eCare Plan Joint NIH/NIDDK AHRQ Project

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Domain Description

NIDDK and AHRQ convened the Pain and Opioid Use Technical Expert Panel (TEP) to identify data elements important to the care of people living with pain and/or opioid use in the context of multiple chronic conditions. In addition, the Pain and Opioid Use TEP will help identify data standards from common clinical terminologies (i.e., ICD-10, SNOMED-CT, LOINC, RxNorm, CPT) associated with each data element, in order to improve interoperability of these data elements across settings of care

Meeting Information 

DateMeeting NameMaterials

December 2019 

Pain OUD TEP meeting
January 2020Pain OUD TEP meeting
February 2020Pain OUD TEP meeting
March 2020Pain OUD TEP meeting
April 2020Pain OUD TEP meeting

April Meeting Notes (DOCX, 26 KB)

May 2020Pain OUD TEP meeting

May Meeting Notes (DOCX, 24 KB)

June 2020Pain OUD TEP MeetingJune Meeting Notes (DOCX, 26 KB)
August 2020Pain OUD TEP Meeting

August Meeting Notes (DOCX, 24 KB)

September 2020Pain OUD TEP Meeting

September Meeting Notes (DOCX, 22 KB)

October 2020Pain OUD TEP Meeting 

October Meeting Notes (DOCX, 25 KB)

November 2020Pain OUD TEP Meeting

November Meeting Notes (DOCX, 24 KB)

December 2020Pain OUD TEP Meeting

December Meeting Notes (DOCX, 24 KB)

January 2021Pain OUD TEP Meeting

January Meeting Notes (DOCX, 17 KB)

February 2021Pain OUD TEP Meeting

February Meeting Notes (DOCX, 15 KB)


David Thomas, PhD
Mary Lynn McPherson, PharmD, MA, BCPS, CPE
Marc Overhage, MD, PHD, Cerner, CMIO
Laura Heermann Langford, PhD
Ashok Reddy, MD
Christopher Harle, PhD
Nicole Ruggiano, PhD
Sarah DeSilvey, APRN-C
Shelly Spiro, RPh, FASCP
Alex Krist, MD, MPH
Bob Philips, MD, MSPH
Karol Tapias, MSW
Anika Alvanzo, MD, MS
Sharon McDaniel
Julisa Voinche
Sean Mackey, MD, Ph.D.
Sara Bausch
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